Kharkiv Half Marathon

Half Marathon Kharkiv
Half Marathon Kharkiv is one of the largest running events in Kharkiv.

Half! Half! Half! Who let the dogs out? Every Kharkiv runner said «Half», which sounds little like «Whoof». And we all run Half Marathon with a dog mascot. But why is it so?
The team of the project is the most pet-friendly community we've ever seen. And they have a very special manager — their dog Cash. Cash is always near at all sport events, he is barking support with a tale. And also a symbol of the Half marathon team.

At first we wanted to create a typical sport logo, something like an American basketball team. A strong animal, grin on face and metal typography. But when we actually met this sweet little corgi dog, we changed our plans. So Cash The Dog became our inspiration and a mascot for Kharkiv Half marathon. 

He is obese, as font Arial Black. He moves like a skew rectangle under the font that's ready to run. And he is so cute and kind, as a red color of love. Based on these ideas, we create identity for Kharkiv Half marathon.
Half! Half! Half!

Kharkiv Half Marathon

Kharkiv Half Marathon

Identity for one of the largest running events in Kharkiv.
